MMeets How to love a stranger: Presented by A—SPACE
2017-12-17 17:00:00 2017-12-17 18:00:00 Australia/Melbourne How to love a stranger: Presented by A—SPACE MPavilion MPAVILIONIn 1903, the German sociologist and philosopher Georg Simmel observed that “nowhere feels as lonely and lost as in the metropolitan crowd”. And it’s true: no matter how much a city is brimming with people activity, it’s still easy to feel alone—and many people do. As British writer and critic Olivia Laing put it, “You can be lonely anywhere, but there is a particular flavour to the loneliness that comes from living in a city, surrounded by millions of people.” So how can we feel better connected to the strangers around us?
If you’ve ever felt alone in this big, beautiful city, this MMeets workshop is for you. Facilitated by A—SPACE co-founder and meditation teacher Manoj Dias, this workshop—built on the foundations of connection, curiosity and compassion—will explore what we can learn from the practice and principles of Buddhist meditation about connecting deeper with ourselves and with the people around us.
This is the third instalment of ‘How to live, love and die‘, a three-part workshop series curated by A—SPACE. Find information on the other two sessions below.
How to live mindfully
Sunday 3 December, 5–6pm SESSION CANCELLED
How to live with death*
Sunday 10 December, 5.15–6.15pm
*Please note: Session times differ from those originally published in MPavilion’s print calendar for January.