MMeets How to live with death: Presented by A—SPACE
2017-12-10 17:15:00 2017-12-10 18:15:00 Australia/Melbourne How to live with death: Presented by A—SPACE MPavilion MPAVILIONAll of us have been affected by death, whether directly or indirectly, and we all know it’s inevitable. Nevertheless, it seems as though we practice denying this reality more than we practice accepting it.
In this intimate and necessary MMeets workshop, MAA-registered meditation guide David Packman will explore how the practices and principles of meditation can assist us in contemplating death and dying, and, ultimately, how a more intimate relationship with death can allow us to live fuller lives.
Drawing on his own experiences, as well as historical Stoic, Samurai and Buddhist teachings—including the tradition of conscious dying—David will guide participants through a powerful ‘death-bed meditation’ and discuss the concepts and underlying philosophies of this practice. He’ll also lead a series of related exercises focussing on the pivot point where life is both given and taken away: the breath.
This is the second instalment of ‘How to live, love and die‘, a three-part workshop series curated by A—SPACE. Find information on the other two sessions below.
How to live mindfully
Sunday 3 December, 5–6pm SESSION CANCELLED
How to love a stranger*
Sunday 17 December, 5–6pm
*Please note: Session times differ from those originally published in MPavilion’s print calendar for January.